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A brief explanation of the query language for the search engine, with examples, is available below.

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Search for:

When you go to the page you can use [edit] [find] to locate the search item

Query Language

The text search engine allows queries to be formed from arbitrary Boolean expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For example:

information retrieval
finds documents containing 'information' or 'retrieval'
information or retrieval
same as above
information and retrieval
finds documents containing both 'information' and 'retrieval'
information not retrieval
finds documents containing 'information' but not 'retrieval'
(information not retrieval) and WAIS
finds documents containing 'WAIS', plus 'information' but not 'retrieval'
finds documents containing words starting with 'web'
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Copyright © 1999 Seafield Research and Development Services. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 04, 2002.